
That’s all you need – you are now able to read and write simple words. Let’s get serious and test your newly acquired skills.

A bowl of bibimbap

We’re done!


To make it a bit easier for you, we break the word Bibimbap into syllables first. Grab a letter and drag and drop it on the syllables to see if you’re right:

The final task
Korea is famous for its healthy and tasty cuisine. One of the most traditional dishes in South Korea is called Bibimbap.

How is that written in Hangul?
syllables mim
syllables mi

There are six possible combinations:
Horizontal, vertical and mixed. When you apply letters in those boxes it looks like this:

syllables mui
syllables muim
syllables meu
syllables mom

Hangul letters are grouped into syllabic blocks, vertically and horizontally. As it combines the features of alphabetic and syllabic writing systems, Hangul has been described as an “alphabetic syllabary” by some linguists.

syllabic block hangulsyllabic block hangulsyllabic block hangul

Building syllables

the letter yo
the letter a

Vowels are either horizontal or vertical bars, so it’s easy to distinguish them from consonants:

the letter yeo
the letter eu
the letter i
the letter o
the letter ya
the letter u
the letter eo
the letter yu
the letter l and r
the letter j
the letter h
the letter k
the letter b
the letter g

The Korean alphabet consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels – so 24 characters in total. Some consonants have subforms (like the example in the first chapter) that are not listed as separate characters in the Hangul alphabet.

Let’s get started with the consonants:

the letter d
the letter o and ng
the letter f and p
the letter n
the letter s
the letter t
the letter m
the letter ch

The alphabet

the letter ya
ya like in yawn
the letter i
i like in meet

And another example for vowels:

the letter a
a like in hah
the letter g
g like in go
the letter k
k like in khaki
the letter gg
g like in gone

Some linguists consider Hangul the most logical writing system in the world, let’s start!

It’s most important to emphasize each letter right, Hangul makes this one easy for you. By adding strokes or repeating the original shape Hangul expresses if a letter is emphasized silent, stressed or strong. Here is an example how it works for consonantes:

for further reading
Haneuls Guide to Hangul

Sounds and tones

A wise man can acquaint himself with hangul before the morning is over; a stupid man can learn it in the space of ten days.
Sejong the Great

Hangul is the official writing system of South and North Korean. The alphabet has been used to write the Korean language since its creation in the 15th century during the Joseon dynasty under Sejong the Great (1397–1450).
He decided to establish a writing system much simpler and easier to understand than the previously used chinese characters.

book icon
For further reading
National Hanguel Museum
Hunminjeoungum Haeraebon
Sejong the Great

Korea’s writing system

world map

Learning Hangul
Korean script in 15 minutes

flag of south korea
  • [BI]
  • [BIM]
  • [BAP]